KEONJHAR District - Joda Block Information

Click select the panchayats to list the number of Villages.

1 Anseikala Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

2 Badkalimati Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

3 Balada Panchayat

List of Villages: 6

4 Balagoda Panchayat

List of Villages: 6

5 Bhadrasahi Panchayat

List of Villages: 11

6 Bhuyanroida Panchayat

List of Villages: 3

7 Birikala Panchayat

List of Villages: 8

8 Bolani Panchayat

List of Villages: 15

9 Chamakapur Panchayat

List of Villages: 9

10 Deojhar Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

11 Guali Panchayat

List of Villages: 14

12 Jajanga Panchayat

List of Villages: 6

13 Jalahari Panchayat

List of Villages: 4

14 Kandara Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

15 Palasa Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

Click select the panchayats to list the number of Villages.

KEONJHAR District - Joda Block Information

Click select the panchayats to list the number of Villages.

1 Anseikala Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

2 Badkalimati Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

3 Balada Panchayat

List of Villages: 6

4 Balagoda Panchayat

List of Villages: 6

5 Bhadrasahi Panchayat

List of Villages: 11

6 Bhuyanroida Panchayat

List of Villages: 3

7 Birikala Panchayat

List of Villages: 8

8 Bolani Panchayat

List of Villages: 15

9 Chamakapur Panchayat

List of Villages: 9

10 Deojhar Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

11 Guali Panchayat

List of Villages: 14

12 Jajanga Panchayat

List of Villages: 6

13 Jalahari Panchayat

List of Villages: 4

14 Kandara Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

15 Palasa Panchayat

List of Villages: 7