MAYURBHANJ District - Karanjia Block Information

Click select the panchayats to list the number of Villages.

1 Badadeuli Panchayat

List of Villages: 12

2 Badagaon Panchayat

List of Villages: 16

3 Bala Panchayat

List of Villages: 8

4 Batpalasa Panchayat

List of Villages: 6

5 Chitraposi Panchayat

List of Villages: 11

6 Dori Panchayat

List of Villages: 14

7 Dudhiani Panchayat

List of Villages: 20

8 Kerkera Panchayat

List of Villages: 13

9 Kuliposi Panchayat

List of Villages: 21

10 Miriginendi Panchayat

List of Villages: 8

11 Patbil Panchayat

List of Villages: 13

12 Rasamtala Panchayat

List of Villages: 12

13 Tato Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

Click select the panchayats to list the number of Villages.

MAYURBHANJ District - Karanjia Block Information

Click select the panchayats to list the number of Villages.

1 Badadeuli Panchayat

List of Villages: 12

2 Badagaon Panchayat

List of Villages: 16

3 Bala Panchayat

List of Villages: 8

4 Batpalasa Panchayat

List of Villages: 6

5 Chitraposi Panchayat

List of Villages: 11

6 Dori Panchayat

List of Villages: 14

7 Dudhiani Panchayat

List of Villages: 20

8 Kerkera Panchayat

List of Villages: 13

9 Kuliposi Panchayat

List of Villages: 21

10 Miriginendi Panchayat

List of Villages: 8

11 Patbil Panchayat

List of Villages: 13

12 Rasamtala Panchayat

List of Villages: 12

13 Tato Panchayat

List of Villages: 7