PHULBANI District - Khajuripada Block Information

Click select the panchayats to list the number of Villages.

1 Adasipada Panchayat

List of Villages: 15

2 Arapaju Panchayat

List of Villages: 17

3 Balabadi Panchayat

List of Villages: 32

4 Balaskumpa Panchayat

List of Villages: 19

5 Dalapada Panchayat

List of Villages: 21

6 Dutimendi Panchayat

List of Villages: 18

7 Dutipada Panchayat

List of Villages: 8

8 Gudari Panchayat

List of Villages: 12

9 Khajuripada Panchayat

List of Villages: 21

10 Pirikudi Panchayat

List of Villages: 15

11 Ranapatuli Nuagaon Panchayat

List of Villages: 16

12 Sudreju Panchayat

List of Villages: 25

13 Sudrukumpa Panchayat

List of Villages: 23

Click select the panchayats to list the number of Villages.

PHULBANI District - Khajuripada Block Information

Click select the panchayats to list the number of Villages.

1 Adasipada Panchayat

List of Villages: 15

2 Arapaju Panchayat

List of Villages: 17

3 Balabadi Panchayat

List of Villages: 32

4 Balaskumpa Panchayat

List of Villages: 19

5 Dalapada Panchayat

List of Villages: 21

6 Dutimendi Panchayat

List of Villages: 18

7 Dutipada Panchayat

List of Villages: 8

8 Gudari Panchayat

List of Villages: 12

9 Khajuripada Panchayat

List of Villages: 21

10 Pirikudi Panchayat

List of Villages: 15

11 Ranapatuli Nuagaon Panchayat

List of Villages: 16

12 Sudreju Panchayat

List of Villages: 25

13 Sudrukumpa Panchayat

List of Villages: 23