MALKANGIRI District - Podia Block Information

Click select the panchayats to list the number of Villages.

1 Bapanpalli Panchayat

List of Villages: 5

2 Bhubanpalli Panchayat

List of Villages: 4

3 Kaldapalli Panchayat

List of Villages: 5

4 Materu Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

5 Mottu Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

6 Niliguda Panchayat

List of Villages: 9

7 Podia Panchayat

List of Villages: 4

8 Pusuguda Panchayat

List of Villages: 6

9 Similibancha Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

10 Tandabai Panchayat

List of Villages: 4

Click select the panchayats to list the number of Villages.

MALKANGIRI District - Podia Block Information

Click select the panchayats to list the number of Villages.

1 Bapanpalli Panchayat

List of Villages: 5

2 Bhubanpalli Panchayat

List of Villages: 4

3 Kaldapalli Panchayat

List of Villages: 5

4 Materu Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

5 Mottu Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

6 Niliguda Panchayat

List of Villages: 9

7 Podia Panchayat

List of Villages: 4

8 Pusuguda Panchayat

List of Villages: 6

9 Similibancha Panchayat

List of Villages: 7

10 Tandabai Panchayat

List of Villages: 4