Naveen Patnaik launches ambitious land settlement scheme
Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Friday launches ambitious land settlement scheme at his own constituency Hinjlicut in Ganjam district. Under this ambitious scheme state government grant title rights to the families that had been legally occupying various types of government land in their respective areas before February 26, 2023 in different parts of the state.
On Friday Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik visited his own constituency Hinjlicut in Ganjam district to distribute land pattas to as many 30,336 poor beneficiaries in twenty-two villages. Inaugurating the scheme at a grand show in this Assembly constituency Patnaik said about two lakh people will be benefited under the scheme in Ganjam district alone. He said the new land right scheme will be implemented across the state over the next one year to give permanent land rights to over eight lakh people. State law minister Bikram Keshari Arukh and revenue minister Surya Narayan Patro were present on this occasion.