Naveen Patnaik is the Chief Minister of Orissa, India    

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Naveen Patnaik says over 4 lakh crores of committed investments under implementation in Orissa

Naveen Patnaik reviews progress of Nijukti Mission in state

Govt committed to implement BSVKY: CM

Orissa Government to set up Rs 200 crore fund for peripheral development

  Utkalmani Gopabandhu Jayanti celebrated in Orissa  
  Gopabandhu Jayanti celebrated here on Saturday . The Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, Finance Minister Prafulla Chandra Ghadei, Panchayati Raj, Information and Public Relation Minister Prafulla Samal, Higher Education , Tourism and Culture Minister Debi Prasad Mishra and other Ministers, MLAs and former MLAs garlanded on the statue of Utkalmani Gopabandhu Das in the state Assembly premises.

Similarly several political parties were garlanded in the statue of Gopabandhu at Gopabandhu Chhak. The Gopabandhu Jayanti were celebrated in the birth place of village Suando of Puri district. The Gopabandhu Jayanti also celebrated in the educational institutions through out the state.
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