Naveen Patnaik is the Chief Minister of Orissa, India    

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Naveen Patnaik says over 4 lakh crores of committed investments under implementation in Orissa

Naveen Patnaik reviews progress of Nijukti Mission in state

Govt committed to implement BSVKY: CM

Orissa Government to set up Rs 200 crore fund for peripheral development

  Naveen Patnaik to inaugurate city Bus service on Sunday  
  The city Bus service will be inaugurated by the Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Sunday at 10.10am in Kalinga Stadium .

Urban Development Minister Badri Narayan Patra, Transport and Commerce Minister Sanjib Sahoo, MP Dr Prasanna Patasani, Legislatures Bhagirathi Bada Jena, Ashok Chandra Panda , Bijaya Kumar Mohanty, Aurobinda Dhali, Bibhuti Bhusan Balabanta Ray, Rajendra Kumar Sahoo will grace the occasion as guest of honour. Ananta Narayan Jena, Mayer of Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation will preside over the occasion.

On the first phase 25 busses will play from Sunday. Latter within one months busses will be played in other four routes. On the first phase From Nandankanan to Air Port and From VSS Nagar to Dumduma. In Bhubaneswar 100 busses and in Puri 25 busses will be played. On the first day after inauguration of this city bus service the peoples can travel free of cost.
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