Naveen Patnaik is the Chief Minister of Orissa, India    

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Naveen Patnaik says over 4 lakh crores of committed investments under implementation in Orissa

Naveen Patnaik reviews progress of Nijukti Mission in state

Govt committed to implement BSVKY: CM

Orissa Government to set up Rs 200 crore fund for peripheral development

  Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik reviewing Agri-Credit Programme and other schemes of Co-operation Department at Secretariat.  
  Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik reviewing Agri-Credit Programme and other schemes of Co-operation Department at Secretariat.  
  Latest News  
  2022-10-16 CM announces cash award for Commonwealth Games medal winners
  2022-10-18 CM reviews progress of special package announced for Kandhamal
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