Himansu Sekhar Padhi | MLA Profile
BOUDH CONSTITUENCY Reservation Type:- General Eighth Assembly (09/06/1980-09/03/1985) |
DATE OF BIRTH:01/11/2022
PARENT:Late Kunja Behari Padhi.
SPOUSE'S NAME:Smt.Tarangini Padhi.
PROFESSION:Advocate Politics Cultivation
HOBBY: Agriculture(Farming and Gardening) Pisciculture and mixed farming.
FAVOURITE PASTIME:To discuss with the village folk about various rural problems and to participate in educating them in solution of the same with a view to promoting their economic and social condition.
SPECIAL INTEREST:To improve the rural condition by irrigation and intensive cultivation and to visit places of historical and religious interest.
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES:To preach and participate in reforming social conditionsi.e. to remove the old and existing stigma in the society and to construct it in the Gandhian way specially and to construct it in the Gandhian way specially relating to Adivasis and Harijan society.
LITERAL ACTIVITIES:Participated as member different cultural associations like Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Association Phulbani Jogendra club Boudh and write occasionally articles on social and economical problems published `Swadhin Boudh Bharat`.
ADDRESS: Ward No. C At/P.O.- Babu-Sahi Boudhraj Dist.- Boudh.
PERNAMENT ADDRESS: At./P.O.-ButupalliPS-Boudh Dist.-Phulbani. |
OTHER INFORMATION: Joined politics in Prajamandal of Boudh while a student in 1937 Contributed articles against the Ruler Broke the forest law to establish tenants right after independence Member of Advisory committee elected five times consecutively to O.L.A. from 1952 to 1972 led a team of Congress volunteers to Madhuraj and undergone two months co-operative training in 1959President of D.C.C.Phulbani 1957 to 1962 and Executive Member of P.C.C. violated order 144 Cr.P.C. and conducted meetings against the Janata Government and sent to Jail for a week in 1978 and again sent to Jail for four days in Jail Bharo Andolan when Shrimati Indiara Gandhi was sent to jail Tihar in 1979 Member Bharat Krishak Samaj founder and life Member of Bharat Krishak Samaj(Orissa Branch.)
EXPIRED ON:29/08/2022
CONSTITUENCY AREA:Constituency information will be updated soon.
MLA News:Mla News will be updated soon.