Bibhudhendra Pratap Das | MLA Profile
PALLAHARA CONSTITUENCY Reservation Type:- General Eleventh Assembly (15/03/1995-29/02/2000) |
DATE OF BIRTH:21/11/2022
PARENT:Shri Raj Kishore Das
SPOUSE'S NAME:Smt. Anasuya Jagdev
FAVOURITE PASTIME:Reading newspaper and visit religious places.
SPECIAL INTEREST:Preservation of forests and development of agricultural sector.
SOCIAL ACTIVITIES:Come in direct contact with downtrodden people and tried for their all-round development and achieved success in many fields.
LITERAL ACTIVITIES:For development of literature and culture of ex-States; formed Ex-States Cultural Council and Published some books Gadajat Series.
ADDRESS: Plot. No.- 585 Sahid Nagar Bhubaneswar Dist- Khurda Pin- 751007
PERNAMENT ADDRESS: At/P.O.- Talcher Dist- Angul. |
OTHER INFORMATION: President Talcher College Students` Union 1973 President Dhenkanal District Chhatra Congress 1974 Executive Member Pradesh Youth congress 1977 General Secretary Dhenkanal District Congress Committee 1978 Member A.I.C.C. 1982 Vice-President INTUC Orissa State Associated with students` strike in 1969 and imprisoned while High School student Founder of Ex-MLA Councils and achieved some success in getting some benefits for Ex-MLAs Member Talcher Rifle Club Initiated for construction of Talcher Sub-divisional stadium and Pallahara stadium and other mini stadiums in Talcher and Pallahara Sub-divisions.
CONSTITUENCY AREA:Constituency information will be updated soon.
MLA News:Mla News will be updated soon.